Wednesday, March 02, 2005

School election fever in UP

I've heard a lot of comments that UP is a microcosm of Philippine society. True enough, UP students (and faculty) can hardly be stereotyped. There's the pretty kolehiyala, the stud, the nerd, the 'tibak, the anak ng politiko, the working student. Heck, meron ding Lasalista at Atenista in UP.

One facet of UP life that mimics real life is politics. Politics suck here in the country and in UP there's no difference. There's the tarpaulin posters (who's paying?), walls plastered with tons of paper, constant protests, poll watchers (but they were nice), insincere handshaking, among others. As with Philippine elections, UP elections are counted manually. Not bad, you might think. But have you tried counting 386 ballots? It doesn't work out as easy as it sounds. Given my background as an IE, I could probably optimize the voting procedure (and hopefully make it more ergonomic).

I think we were the second to the last to finish in Eng'g (around 12MN). It was very tiring. Would I do it again? Absolutely.